The energy, health, well-being and focus of your organisation is vital to the success and longevity of your business.
Whether it is a regular exercise session away from their to do list or an input on how to feel great within themselves. By valuing and investing in your staff you create a strong work ethic which resonates with your customers.
From fitness sessions, presentations, work place assessments and consultations, Get Fit has a package that suits you.
Whether it is a regular exercise session away from their to do list or an input on how to feel great within themselves. By valuing and investing in your staff you create a strong work ethic which resonates with your customers.
From fitness sessions, presentations, work place assessments and consultations, Get Fit has a package that suits you.
Why do you need a corporate wellness programme?
- Increased productivity
- Increased morale
- Reduced stress levels
- Improved health markers of staff
- Reduced sickness absence
- Improved team relationships
Visit our partners Performance In Fitness to find out more
Rob Mellor, VP and GM of WhereScape EMEA
I like to remain open-minded and am constantly looking for ways to improve, so a few years ago I decided to try regular sessions with a personal trainer who lives in my village and has kids at the same school as mine. Dave enabled me to start my day right, beginning with a sense of achievement and the endorphin buzz exercise produces. Now all of team EMEA have access to Dave via Slack, whether we need a new fitness regime entirely, dietary tips or merely to refine the exercise program we already follow." |
What we do for you:
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Get in touch to see how Get Fit can help to get you and your team…Moving – Thinking – Growing – Improving
Fitness Sessions
Providing face to face training sessions for your team. Whether it is an early morning wake up, lunchtime blitz or an end of the day finisher. Working out as a group helps your staff de-stress, bond and get fitter and stronger. The fitness sessions are designed to motivate and inspire your team to get moving and working hard. It taps into a growth mindset which helps your team smash through barriers in fitness, work and life.
One to One Coaching
Providing personal training services to your team to ensure they are on track to achieve their health and fitness goals. If they don’t know what that looks like yet, then we will work on that first to ensure we set the correct course of action. The coaching can be fitness, wellness, diet or lifestyle related and it is about allowing your staff to maximise their potential and exceed in each element of their work and life. Whether it is exercise regimes, diet advice or healthy habits; the goal is to work with your team to find a solution that works for them. This element can be delivered face to face or remotely.
Group Coaching
By utilising your existing communication system or working together to get you up and running, group coaching is an effective way to motivate, communicate and inspire your team with a click of a button. With regular updates, tips, advice, discussion and coaching points, group coaching online or in small meet ups is a great way for your team to get engaged, feel valued and get the fitness and health coaching they need.
Wellness Workshops
Informative and engaging, seminars and talks to inspire your team to challenge themselves in their ideas, behaviours and habits. Various topics and emerging issues are presented and discussed. The information is delivered in a relaxed environment that promotes discussion so the group can explore different points of view and experiences.
Special Events
Over the course of programme, there is the opportunity to organise days out and team events to put into practice different elements of the corporate wellness package and to demonstrate just how important your team are to the workings of your business. They are also a way to have plain fun and forget about the hustle and bustle of the regular working day for a few hours at least.
By incorporating mental and physical challenges into your employee wellness package you will see an increase in engagement in the programme. It can increase team cohesion and a sense of togetherness. Along with this it supports the aims of the wellness programme, to improve in physical and mental health. For those who don’t like to flaunt their competitive edge, the challenges are a great way to escape and take a break for their body and mind and to find use them to challenge themselves.